Sabertrio • User Guide • Blade Animation • Custom Sabers
blade animation
The Neo Blade features hundreds of addressable RGB LEDs capable of displaying detailed blade animations. Here you can learn how Neo Sabers manage these animations and how to modify them.
Blade Profiles - Neo CFX Saber
The Neo CFX Saber Preconfiguration has 10 Blade Profiles that have been optimized for Neo Blades, which can be accessed via the Blade Profiles menu on your Neo CFX Saber.
The best way to understand how Blade Profiles is to play around with them.
How to access Blade Profiles:
Ignite the blade.
Hold the auxiliary switch then immediately press & release the activation switch.
Press & hold the activation or auxiliary switch.
View 'Saber Operation' to learn more
Changing Blade Profiles
To change the Blade Profile for a sound font open the sound font folder, find and open 'font_config.txt' with a text editor, then change the value for 'start_blade'.
You can find/edit every Blade Profile in the 'config.txt' file located in the root directory of your saber’s microSD card.
View 'The microSD Card' to learn more
The 'config.txt' file contains parameters not discussed in this section. To learn more, refer to the Advanced Blade Animations page linked below.
Altering a Blade Profile will change the blade animation of every sound font that uses it.Go to the 'Advanced Blade Animations' page to learn more about Neo CFX Blade Profiles and Neo Proffie Blade Styles.